Chronicles of the Mole Family, Chapter 12

The entertaining thing about the renovations (if living in the basement for 5 months and counting can be called entertaining) is that there are surprises every time we go upstairs and look at the progress.  Of course, this is primarily because we have no idea what any of the colors or tile or flooring is going to look like.  (Clearly, no one can ever accuse us of being micromanagers!)  So, on the latest exploration of the house, we discovered a few things:

First, the coffered ceiling in the master bedroom now looks like a ceiling as opposed to the assembly of sticks pictured in an earlier blog post:

coffered ceiling

Second, the shower in the 13 year old’s bathroom is tiled:

peipei's shower

So is the shower in the 10 year old’s bathroom:

weiwei's shower

But the master bathroom shower is not:

master bathroom

And the main floor is still a total disaster:


An end of June completion date?  We shall see.  And that concludes the update for today.






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