Month: July 2016
Book review: Hamilton by Ron Chernow
Alexander Hamilton by Ron Chernow My rating: 4 of 5 stars This book is the inspiration for the Broadway musical (and cultural) smash “Hamilton” (and, in fact, the author receives royalties from the musical). I have mixed feelings about this biography and mixed feelings about the subject. Alexander Hamilton was clearly a brilliant man, excellent…
Water Gun Fight (aka Enjoying the Summer)
Our rising 9th grader (or, more accurately, our 14 year old son) decided that what was needed to make the summer more fun was a water gun fight with a bunch of friends. He cleared the date and time with us, issued invitations to his friends (by text, of course), and on the appointed day,…
4th of July in Nantucket
We were kindly invited by some good friends to join them in Nantucket for the 4th of July weekend. Nantucket is one of the very few places on the East coast that reminds of us God’s country (otherwise known as the West coast). There were magnificent sunsets: Fun 4th of July fireworks (lit off on…