Tag: historical mysteries

  • Book review: The Murder of Mr Wickham by Claudia Gray

    The Murder of Mr. Wickham by Claudia Gray My rating: 3 of 5 stars The premise of the book is clever–the author has taken many of the characters from Jane Austen novels, thrown them together, and murdered one of them (no spoilers, but based on the title, it’s clear which character it is). Then, two…

  • Book review: Sweet Revenge by Andrea Penrose (A Lady Arianna mystery)

    Sweet Revenge by Andrea Penrose My rating: 4 of 5 stars The debut novel of the Lady Arianna Regency Mysteries (I think my theory is that if I keep discovering new good series, I will never run out of books to read. I think I will never run out of books to read anyway, but…

  • Book review: The Frangipani Tree Mystery by Ovidia Yu

    The Frangipani Tree Mystery by Ovidia Yu My rating: 4 of 5 stars A new author! And a new mystery series! (For me, anyway.) The setting for this series is in 1930s Singapore, when Singapore was a British colony. It’s a period and place in history that I know very little about, and I love…

  • Book review: Jane and the Man of the Cloth by Stephanie Barron

    Jane and the Man of the Cloth by Stephanie Barron My rating: 3 of 5 stars I had read the first of this series a long time ago because it’s Jane Austen and a mystery, what is there not to like? But as I recall, the debut novel didn’t grab me, and as my TBR…

  • Book review: Singapore Sapphire by A.M. Stuart

    Singapore Sapphire by A.M. Stuart My rating: 4 of 5 stars This is the first in a series (because, of course, I have finished reading all the other books in all the other series I have started). This book caught my attention because it takes place in Singapore in 1910 during British colonial rule, and…

  • Book review: A Spy in the House by Y.S. Lee

    A Spy in the House by Y.S. Lee My rating: 4 of 5 stars This book (the first in a series) is based on a clever premise: what if there was a female detective agency and what kind of women would be part of that effort? And off we go, launched into the story. A…

  • Book review: Murder on Black Swan Lane by Andrea Penrose

    Murder on Black Swan Lane by Andrea Penrose My rating: 4 of 5 stars This is the first novel in a mystery series with an interesting premise. The hero, Lord Wrexford, is a member of the aristocracy and very scientifically minded. The heroine, A.J. Quill, is a satirical artist, who seems to know facts about…

  • Book review: Death in Focus by Anne Perry

    Death in Focus by Anne Perry My rating: 4 of 5 stars I’ve been a fan of Anne Perry’s for a long time, and I was delighted to see that she had a new series. This is the debut novel of the Elena Standish mystery series. And while the book is a debut novel of…

  • Book review: The Innocents by C.A. Asbrey

    The Innocents by C.A. Asbrey My rating: 4 of 5 stars This isn’t the normal setting for my preferred historical mystery books as the book takes place in the U.S. in the late 1860s, but I couldn’t resist the premise of a female Pinkerton detective. Abigail McKay is one of the few female detectives working…

  • Book review: The Art of Theft by Sherry Thomas

    The Art of Theft by Sherry Thomas My rating: 4 of 5 stars This is the 4th in the Lady Sherlock series, a clever re-imagining of the Sherlock Holmes character as a woman, with all of the societal constraints implied therein. Each book in the series has been excellent, and this one is no exception.…