Movie review: The Martian

The book is on our to-be-read list, but 30 inches of impending snowfall seemed like a good excuse to watch this movie.  And a bit to my surprise, it was excellent!  Matt Damon obviously carries the movie, although there are strong supporting performances throughout by all the actors.  (It was especially nice to see Sean Bean in a role where you were reasonably certain he was not going to die.)  Who would have thought that such a geeky concept like success in growing potatoes in your own compost would be so compelling?  Somehow, in this movie, it is.
I also like the fact that [spoiler alert] there are no casualties in this movie.  I was certain there would be when a member of the astronaut crew mentioned his child’s impending 3rd birthday.  (In most movies, that is a sure sentence of death.)  This movie managed to be suspenseful and compelling without any explosions (to speak of) and no body count.  Hollywood should take note.  (Although I do like cartoonish violent movies.)
The family gave this movie an enthusiastic two thumbs up!
Now off to read the book…

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