Month: February 2024

  • Book review: Invisible Child by Andrea Elliott

    Invisible Child: Poverty, Survival & Hope in an American City by Andrea Elliott My rating: 4 of 5 stars This book was recommended to me by a mentor of mine, and I am so glad she made the recommendation. The author, who is a reporter at the New York Times, follows one family and, in…

  • Christmas in Hawaii 2023 (dedicated to “Mommy and the Troops”)

    Christmas in Hawaii 2023 (dedicated to “Mommy and the Troops”)

    I wouldn’t call spending Christmas in Honolulu a tradition for us, exactly, but it is certainly lovely when the calendar for the 4 of us align and make it possible. And so it was thisyear, when we spent 11 glorious days in paradise, enjoying the sun, ocean, and surf. The theme for this year’s stay…