Month: May 2016

  • Movie review: Captain America: Civil War

    I have a soft spot for movies with lots of explosions and (cartoon) violence.  I also have a soft spot for Disney.  And a soft spot for the Marvel movies.  And a *definite* soft spot for Jeremy Renner.  So when you have a movie that contains all of those elements AND adds an extra element…

  • Book review: An Expert in Murder by Nicola Upson

    An Expert in Murder by Nicola Upson My rating: 4 of 5 stars I am familiar with the actual author, Josephine Tey, who was a strong believer in the innocence of Richard III in the murder of his nephews, as evidenced by her book “Daughter of Time.” She was also the author of several mysteries,…

  • Family Life Merit Badge (aka Cleaning the Basement)

    Our fourteen year old son is in Boy Scouts and, as part of the process, has to earn merit badges in a variety of subjects along the way.  (For those of you familiar with Boy Scouts, he is currently a Life Scout with only his camping merit badge and his Eagle Scout project standing in…

  • Book review: To Wear the White Cloak by Sharan Newman

    To Wear The White Cloak by Sharan Newman My rating: 4 of 5 stars I was reminded recently by a professor of medieval English literature that the author of this mystery series was “a real historian.” In fact, the professor hadn’t even realized that the author had written a historical mystery series, being only familiar…