Month: April 2016

  • Folger Shakespeare gala April 2016

    The Folger Shakespeare Library has the world’s largest collection of First Folios, the first publication of Shakespeare’s plays.  (They are stored in a huge vault, which is way cool to visit.)  It is an organization that provides scholarly resources for academic research, concerts and plays, and education curricula for K-12 teachers.  One of its missions—and…

  • Dinner at the Inn at Little Washington (April 2016)

    When our family arrived at the Inn at Little Washington a couple of weeks ago, we were asked if we were celebrating a special occasion (which does happen). This time, however, our response was: “Dinner!” And dinner that evening was definitely worth celebrating. We started off with the well-known (and delectable) popcorn with black truffles…

  • Book review: The Secrets of Sir Richard Kenworthy by Julia Quinn

    The Secrets of Sir Richard Kenworthy by Julia Quinn My rating: 4 of 5 stars There has been a lot of hate in the reviews for this book because of the (huge) deception the hero of the novel played on the heroine. However, one reviewer in particular nailed the issue on the head by describing…

  • Spring Break in Costa Rica

    Spring break planning was interesting this year.  Our son had opted to go on a school-sponsored sea turtle conservation trip in Costa Rica the week before spring break officially started.  After some discussion (and verification that a Four Seasons resort existed in the country), we decided to join him in Costa Rica and spend spring…

  • Book review: Cocaine Blues by Kerry Greenwood

    Cocaine Blues by Kerry Greenwood My rating: 3 of 5 stars This is the first book in a mystery series set in 1920s Australia. Phryne Fisher is a very self-reliant young woman who grew up poor in Australia and whose family came unexpectedly into a British title and money after the death of more direct…