Month: February 2016

  • Hamilton (the musical) and Per Se (the restaurant)

    We were in New York this past weekend in order to see “Hamilton,” the musical that seems to have taken the entire country (okay, maybe just the East coast) by storm.  The tickets and a backstage tour by Leslie Odom, Jr. (the actor who plays Aaron Burr) were a Christmas gift to the kids.  (I…

  • Deer Valley (and meeting Congressman John Lewis)

    We have some very lovely friends who invited us for a second year to join them at Deer Valley for Presidents’ Day weekend.  Neither Jim nor I ski (growing up in Kansas means you don’t have a lot of mountains nearby), but the kids enjoyed it last year when they tried it. We started off…

  • Book review: The Difficult Saint by Sharan Newman

    The Difficult Saint by Sharan Newman My rating: 4 of 5 stars The Catherine LeVendeur mystery series is one of my favorite historical mystery series. In addition to the impeccable research and the excellent quality of the writing, what makes this medieval mystery series stand out is that the author incorporates into the series the…

  • Life on the International Space Station (interview with Dan Tani)

    As part of his 8th grade science project, our son had to do a podcast about life on the International Space Station.  Fortunately, a friend of ours, Dan Tani, is a former astronaut who actually spent significant time on the space station.  Dan very kindly came over to our house to be interviewed for this…

  • Dinner at the Inn at Little Washington (again)

    I know we were just there in December, but our son wanted to celebrate his excellent report card with a dinner at the Inn, and who are we to say no to that? So off we went in mid-January to enjoy another scrumptious meal (and many congratulations regarding his academic performance). The kitchen was kind…