Month: December 2015

  • Inn at Little Washington Over The Holidays

    Jim and I have a tradition we’ve done for many years, which is to go spend a night at the Inn at Little Washington between Christmas and New Year’s, just the two of us. (This does not go over well with the kids, who also want to dine there and spend the night, but we…

  • Merry Christmas!

    From our family to yours, Merry Christmas and best wishes for the New Year!!

  • Disneyworld & the Osborne Family Lights

    We haven’t been to Disneyworld for the Christmas season in years, but when we learned that this would be the last year of the Osborne Family Lights at Hollywood Studios, a visit was a must do and off to Orlando we went on the first weekend of December. We landed on Friday evening and headed…

  • It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas

    We have friends who host a gingerbread house decorating party every year.  Below is this year’s creation with the side decorated by the 14 year old son.  (The 17 year old daughter couldn’t make it this year.) My favorite touches this year are the chimney (decorated by Jim) and the fish in the pond (made…

  • Dinner party – December 2015

    Some friends of ours were hosting a dinner party as part of a school event, and we offered to help out with the cooking. They kindly agreed to let us do so and, again, with major help from Robert, Jim’s nephew, we served the following: Apple rutabaga soup with gougeres and Parmesan tuiles (wine: 2002…

  • Cursed in the Blood by Sharan Newman

    Cursed in the Blood by Sharan Newman My rating: 4 of 5 stars I am an avid fan of the Catherine LeVendeur mystery series and have been for years, but I only recently picked it up again with this 5th book of the series. The reason is that some years ago, I had peeked at…

  • Thanksgiving 2015

    We sat 31 people to dinner for Thanksgiving this year, which is rather a lot for us and a tremendous amount of fun (and a teeny weeny amount of stress). Thank goodness for Robert, Jim’s nephew, who came early and helped tremendously with the cooking. Together, we managed to feed everyone the following menu: Thai…