Month: August 2015

  • Ten Fabulous Days in Honolulu!

    There’s not much more to be said about Hawaii that I haven’t already said, but I’m going to talk about it anyway. This trip was the first time the entire summer that all four of us were in the same geographical location. We stayed at the Halekulani and a wondrous time was had by all!…

  • Book review: Outlaw by Angus Donald

    Outlaw by Angus Donald My rating: 4 of 5 stars A good friend recommended this book to me, since I am also a huge fan of Sharon Kay Penman’s and Bernard Cornwell’s books. I won’t admit this to my friend, but he was spot on with his recommendation. 🙂 “Outlaw” is the story of Robin…

  • Tokyo and the US-Japan Leadership Program

    We traveled to Tokyo in late July to participate in the US-Japan Leadership Program alumni weekend but arrived a few days early so that we could do the important things in Tokyo—Tokyo DisneySea and Tokyo Disneyland. 🙂 (Our son came with us on the trip, but our daughter was doing her community service project and…