Month: April 2015

  • Movie review: The Imitation Game

    I don’t share our 16 year old daughter’s obsession with Benedict Cumberbatch (it would be difficult to aspire to those heights), but I do think he’s an excellent actor, so I was looking forward to seeing this movie, which stars the actor as Alan Turing, a brilliant British mathematician, who invented the predecessor to the…

  • Restaurant review: Le Gavroche (London)

    Really, there is no need to review this restaurant in the sense that it has received a 2-star Michelin rating, and therefore, needs no further endorsement. That being said, it’s been fun to look at their menu (that they kindly sent to us after we returned home) and think about what we ordered. No photos,…

  • Restaurant review: The Modern (NYC)

    We went to New York in late February because we so love tromping around the city when it’s 10 degrees outside. Truthfully, we went to show our exchange student some of the highlights of New York. We did manage to go to the top of the Empire State Building and stopped and saw the Statue…

  • Product review: Pilot Frixion pens

    I am even more high maintenance about my pens than I am about life in general (which is saying something). I like fine points, and I like pens where the ink flows smoothly out of the pen for a rich writing experience (no scratchy pens for me!). I have tried everything from Bics to Mont…

  • Book review: The Leper of St. Giles by Ellis Peters

    The Leper of St. Giles by Ellis Peters My rating: 4 of 5 stars I am a huge fan of the Brother Cadfael novels, but this one deserves special attention. The plot itself is rather weak in comparison to the author’s previous Brother Cadfael mysteries as is the love story and the characterization of the…

  • Book review: Foundation by Mercedes Lackey

    Foundation by Mercedes Lackey My rating: 3 of 5 stars I really enjoy Mercedes Lackey’s books, especially her early Valdemar books (the Herald-Mage series and the Oathbreakers series). I so wanted to really like this book and, while I do like “Foundation,” it has some serious flaws that prevented me from enjoying the book as…