Month: March 2015

  • Spring Break 2015 (London & Paris)

    Our exchange student from China had never been to Europe, and so we decided to “sacrifice” our spring break and take her to London and Paris. We started off in London where it was sunny(!) and, if not exactly warm, warmer than in DC. We stayed at the Shangri-la in London, which is located at…

  • A Spurs Game (Masquerading as a Fundraiser)!

    So, you may not know this, but while I’m a huge sports fan, I’m not really a fan of professional basketball. But I make one exception to this rule–the San Antonio Spurs. I adore the Spurs—they do shocking things for an NBA team, like play team defense and play unselfishly to win (as opposed to…

  • Book review: The Pale Horseman by Bernard Cornwell

    The Pale Horseman by Bernard Cornwell My rating: 4 of 5 stars In “The Pale Horseman,” we follow the continuing adventures of Uhtred, a snarky Saxon-raised-as-a-Dane-who-is-now-a-reluctant-subject-of-King-Alfred. (Emphasis on the “snarky” part.) Alfred has been caught by surprise by the Danes and has fled to the swamps where he plots his comeback. Uhtred is caught between…

  • Book review: The Battle of Midway by Craig Symonds

    The Battle of Midway by Craig L. Symonds My rating: 4 of 5 stars Unlike many other books on this battle, which tend to attribute the American victory in this pivotal battle to luck or good fortune, this author’s premise is that the outcome of the Battle of Midway was a direct result of the…