Month: March 2014

  • A Palo Alto Wedding

    I took our 12 year old son to Palo Alto for a cousin’s wedding on March 15.  We arrived in Palo Alto late Friday night (which was made even later with a request for a late-night snack of black truffle French fries).  Once we finally got up on Saturday, we made the obligatory brain-washing visit…

  • Mamma Mia!

    We took the kids to see Mamma Mia! (the musical) a couple of weeks ago at the National Theatre in Washington, DC.  It was a fun production with a very good cast, all of whom looked like they were having a lot of fun.  The lead character (the mother), in particular, had a lovely voice,…

  • Chef Mavro

    In our latest visit to Honolulu, we decided to dine at Chef Mavro, a restaurant we had dined at several years ago but had not revisited since.  The first time we ate there, it was a Valentine’s Day fixed menu, and we thought the dinner was good but not great.  However, we revised our opinion…

  • Hawaii, No Kids

    Jim and I had a wedding in the Bay Area last Saturday (congratulations to Anne Craib and Jim Farmer—it was a beautiful wedding!).  Having had to be on the West Coast anyway, we decided that since Hawaii was just a short hop away, we would spend the following week there with NO KIDS.  (Not that…

  • Book review: The Last Run by Greg Rucka

    Queen and Country: The Last Run by Greg Rucka My rating: 5 of 5 stars The Last Run is the final book in the Queen and Country trilogy (A Gentleman’s Game and Private Wars are the two others). The main character in the trilogy is a female secret agent, Tara Chace. In The Last Run,…