Month: October 2013

  • Movie Review: The Fifth Estate

    The Fifth Estate” has done poorly in movie theaters, but it stars Benedict Cumberbatch, so I indulged our 14 year old daughter in her obsession of all things Benedict and took her to see it last night.  (Jim and our 12 year old went to see “”Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2”.)  I was…

  • Best Buddies Challenge 2013

    October 19 was the date of the Best Buddies Challenge in Washington, DC.  (It was also the date of Homecoming for our high schooler, and Jim was in Japan for the weekend, but I digress.) Best Buddies is a charity that helps folks with intellectual disabilities with friendship and job prospects.  The organization was founded…

  • Dinner with Friends, Take 2

    We hosted another dinner party as part of our donation to our school’s auction to raise money for financial aid.  During the time between our first school auction dinner party and this one, we bought a new dining room table and chairs, so this is what the new setup looks like (we’re quite pleased with…

  • Book Review: A Time for the Death of a King by Ann Dukthas

    A Time For The Death Of A King by Ann Dukthas My rating: 3 of 5 stars This book is in the first in a series featuring a mysterious stranger who never dies. Nicholas Segalla is suspiciously long-lived, and he plays a critical role in solving the mystery behind several historical events. In this debut…

  • Obsession, Part 2

    To be fair, this is not my obsession.  This is the obsession of our teenage daughter (whose two favorite phrases are “to be fair” and “awkward”).  I introduced her to the BBC show “Sherlock” starring Benedict Cumberbatch as Sherlock Holmes and Martin Freeman as John Watson.  The show is excellently written and acted and a…

  • My Latest Obsession (Perfume!)

    So, the disadvantage of being just a teeny-tiny bit OCD is that you easily fall into random obsessions for some theoretically finite period of time.  In my case, the latest obsession is perfume. I can easily place the blame of this obsession on Rania Melhem—a Facebook friend whom I met on the Sharon Kay Penman…

  • Book Review: They Found Him Dead by Georgette Heyer

    They Found Him Dead by Georgette Heyer My rating: 4 of 5 stars This is a quintessential Georgette Heyer mystery. It’s light and fluffy (or as light and fluffy as a book can be with dead bodies in it). The mystery itself is reasonably straightforward, but the strengths of Heyer mysteries are her characterizations and…