Hobbesian Choice

We were presented with the dilemma of the following choices:  (i) 7 5th grade boys (10-11 years old) at a black tie event for Children’s National Medical Center; and (ii) 20 8th grade girls (13-14 years old) at a Taylor Swift concert.

As a practical matter, there was no choice in the matter.  Jim is Chair of CNMC, so his presence was a requirement at the Children’s Ball.  Fortunately, I enjoy Taylor Swift’s music, and the concert was quite fun.  As it turned out, a great time was had by the boys, who all cleaned up quite nicely.

Children's Ball 2013

Children’s Ball 2013

And a fabulous time was had by all the girls.

Taylor Swift concert 2013

Taylor Swift concert 2013

The only complaint I had was that I had underestimated the frequency and pitch of the squealing by 8th grade girls.  My eardrums may never be the same!

The New Epilepsy Foundation

As of January 1, the Epilepsy Therapy Project and the Epilepsy Foundation merged and became one organization, the Epilepsy Foundation.  The first board meeting of the new organization was held this past weekend in Miami.  Jim and I flew down on Friday afternoon and participated in the tail end of the Anti-Epileptic Drug and Devices conference (AEDD).  The board meeting was Saturday.  All of the board members that were ETP board members were old friends, of course, and it was wonderful to see them again and catch up on their lives.  It was also equally lovely to meet the board members that I didn’t know—those from the original Epilepsy Foundation.  In a moment of insanity/weakness, I agreed to become Secretary of the Board.  (It really is impossible to say no to the CEO of the Epilepsy Foundation, Phil Gattone.  It gives him a most unfair advantage.)

The Epilepsy Foundation combines the missions of ETP (supporting research into promising new therapies for epilepsy) and the Epilepsy Foundation (improving the lives of people with epilepsy).

The board meeting was both uplifting and sobering.  Sobering because there is still such a lengthy journey to go before all those suffering from epilepsy can control their seizures without significant side effects.  Uplifting because of all those folks, both on the EF board and otherwise, who are both passionate and dedicated in their mission to help those suffering from this debilitating disease.

Please see www.epilepsy.com for more information.