Month: February 2013

  • Dinner with Friends

    In a moment of arguable insanity, we donated a home-cooked dinner at our house for our school auction.  The auction was last April, and, naturally, given everyone’s schedules, the dinner didn’t take place until this past Saturday. The good news about this is that the house renovations are finally complete and the artwork is all…

  • Honolulu Restaurants

    Thanks to some friends of ours, we were introduced to a fabulous restaurant called Town in Honolulu. No photos of their delicious cooking, I’m sorry to say, but trust me, the food is wonderful. Their website is Their motto is “Local first, organic whenever possible, with aloha always.” All we can add is that…

  • Hawaii (and the US-Japan Leadership Program)

    I highly recommend the concept of being in Hawaii in February.  (Yes, that absolutely was an exercise in gloating.)  I was there for an executive committee meeting of the US-Japan Leadership Program, and Jim and I stayed a few extra days afterwards to enjoy paradise (aka Hawaii).  We stayed in Honolulu, as we think the…

  • Sips & Suppers

    We went to a supper hosted in conjunction with Sips & Suppers, a fundraiser benefiting Martha’s Table ( and DC Central Kitchen ( where local chefs prepare meals at the hosts’ homes. At the dinner we attended, the chefs were Scott Drewno from The Source ( and Erik Bruner-Yang from Toki Underground ( The chefs…