Month: May 2012

  • The Avengers (the movie)

    We saw The Avengers over the Memorial Day weekend.  Before I say anything more about it, I just want to make sure that everyone understands that we are a family who likes cartoonishly violent movies (with the possible exception of Jim, who, at least, tolerates cartoonishly violent movies). That being said, we enjoyed The Avengers…

  • Chronicles of the Mole Family, Chapter 12

    The entertaining thing about the renovations (if living in the basement for 5 months and counting can be called entertaining) is that there are surprises every time we go upstairs and look at the progress.  Of course, this is primarily because we have no idea what any of the colors or tile or flooring is…

  • Chinese Water Clock

    Our 10 year old is studying ancient China at school this year, and as part of the curriculum, he had to make a model of a Chinese water clock (being a boy, he was bummed that he didn’t get his first choice, the crossbow).  Fortunately, Jim is really good at these projects, and after a…

  • Inconveniences not problems

    As I was standing in the line at the post office this morning, stressing about all that has to be done over the next few days, I learned that a child of a friend of mine who has a controlled but serious medical disorder had relapsed.  This reminded me of the true priorities in life…

  • Happy Anniversary!

    We’ve been married 22 years as of today!  It’s been more fun and more rewarding than I could have ever imagined.  Happy anniversary, sweetie!! Postscript:  we spent the day shuttling child #1 to and from a bat mitzvah service and party and going to a school event for child #2.  The day concluded with a…

  • Chronicles of the Mole Family, Chapter 11

    We have drywall on both floors!  We have paint on the upper floor!  I will post photos soon, but one dry-walled room looks very much like any other dry-walled room, so unless you have dry wall obsession, it’s not that interesting. Most importantly, we have tentative move-back-in date(s)!!  It looks like we will be able…