Month: April 2012

  • Chronicles of the Mole Family, Chapter 10

    We have drywall!  Well, on the 2nd floor, we have drywall in all of the bedrooms.  (The main floor still looks like marauding hordes of Vikings have gone through it.)  I have been told by those who know these things that once drywalling starts, everything else falls into place very quickly (painting, flooring, etc.).  I…

  • Chronicles of the Mole Family, Chapter 9

    We were evicted from our basement in mid-March as Mr. Le needed to work on the HVAC and electrical systems and have them inspected.  (You know that you have sunk to a new low in home renovation when you can’t even stay in your own basement.) The eviction was originally scheduled to be for 2…

  • Guy Savoy (in Paris)

    So, we didn’t think our meal at Taillevent could be surpassed or that any restaurant could come close in terms of food and service.  We were wrong.  Guy Savoy was another culinary marvel that we were lucky enough to experience during our stay in Paris.  (The official address is 18 rue Troyon, 75017 Paris; 01-43-80-40-61.)…

  • Hunger Games (book & movie)

    On Saturday, we gave into our children’s pleadings (whinings?) and took them to see the movie, Hunger Games, since everyone in their grades had seen it already.  After getting home from the movie, I then promptly read the book to see how true to the book the movie was. Book first (priorities are priorities).  Hunger…

  • Taillevent in Paris

    One of the most spectacular meals we have ever had (and we have had a few!) was at Taillevent in Paris (the exact address is 15 rue Lamennais, 75008 Paris; 01-44-95-15-01).   We opted not to do the tasting menu so that we could taste more dishes, and the dishes were universally excellent. We started off…

  • Spring Break in the City of Lights

    We left on a Thursday night for Paris after a crazy week where life actually interfered with our carefully balanced routine (more about that in a separate blog).  We stayed at the Shangri-la Hotel, a fairly new hotel where one reviewer commented that it was the one place where you could actually get Asian quality…