Category: Honolulu

  • Christmas in Hawaii 2023 (dedicated to “Mommy and the Troops”)

    Christmas in Hawaii 2023 (dedicated to “Mommy and the Troops”)

    I wouldn’t call spending Christmas in Honolulu a tradition for us, exactly, but it is certainly lovely when the calendar for the 4 of us align and make it possible. And so it was thisyear, when we spent 11 glorious days in paradise, enjoying the sun, ocean, and surf. The theme for this year’s stay…

  • Rainbows and Shave Ice (plus Lawyers, Guns & Money!)

    We returned earlier this month from a fabulous vacation in Hawaii! Highlights include: — Visits from all of our children: Jade could only stay for a week but managed to spend a dinner explaining her research in combinatorics (which was summarized by us mere mortals as “counting triangles”). Yinan stayed for 2 weeks, and Jim…

  • Holiday 2022

    While many people think of the holiday season as consisting of snow and hot chocolate and other winter festivities, we much prefer sun and ocean and warmth for the holidays. And so off we went to Hawaii for Christmas!Honolulu never disappoints. (Nor does the Halekulani where we were staying.). We enjoyed warmth and ocean views.…

  • Summer 2022

    The summer was a whirlwind, and I have not enough space to bore everyone with our activities. Highlights include the following: A joint birthday celebration at the Inn at Little Washington Jade’s master’s degree (in theoretical computer science) graduation ceremony at Stanford. She is now at Georgia Tech getting her PhD in combinatorics (or theoretical…

  • Graduation 2021 and Hawaii

    Two joyous events, especially in a year like this one. In mid-June, we celebrated our daughter’s graduation from Stanford (total brag: she graduated with a degree in math, with distinction, and phi beta kappa). The graduation was a limited in-person event (two fully vaccinated guests per student). Issa Rae was the graduation speaker, and she…

  • Hawaii: July 2019 version

    By now, there isn’t much more that I can say about this little bit of paradise than I haven’t already said. So let me just mention the highlights of this trip, which include the following: Continuing our 4th of July tradition of spending it with Dianne, John, Benjamin and Isabelle (this time in Honolulu) Getting…

  • Honolulu January 2019

    I expect that everyone is tired of hearing of our trips to Honolulu and how glorious of a paradise it is. If so, then this is an easy blog post to skip. I just wanted to commemorate our annual 2019 trip-without-the-kids (to Honolulu, of course). And also to point out without (much) gloating, of course,…

  • What I Did On My Summer Vacation (2018 version)

    Dear Teacher— What we did on our summer vacation: Our 16 year old son went to rural China for 6 weeks and came back with better Chinese, 2 beautifully handmade (by him) silver bracelets, new friends, and a newfound maturity. Our former exchange student spent part of the summer with us while she worked for…

  • Spring Break 2018: Honolulu, where else?

    If it seems like we go to Honolulu quite a bit, it may be because we have. However, this was our first trip there as a family in 2018. (Note how I carefully defined the parameters just now.) We were fortunate that the kids shared a spring break this year, and they decided to opt…

  • A Long-Time Favorite: Chef Mavro (Honolulu)

    It has been a while since I last posted photos of a dinner at Chef Mavro, one of our favorite restaurants. The restaurant has redone its menu a bit, allowing guests to choose from a selection of small plates or to embark on a 9 course Bataan death march of a tasting menu. We’ve done…